Source code for prompy.networkio.call_factory


Meta web api wrapper.


.. code-block:: python

    from prompy.networkio.call_factory import CallRoute, Caller
    from prompy.threadio.promise_queue import PromiseQueuePool

    class Api(Caller):
        def call_home(self, **kwargs):
            return CallRoute('/')

        def call_data(self, **kwargs):
            return CallRoute('/data', method='POST')

    pool = PromiseQueuePool(start=True)
    api = Api(base_url='http://localhost:5000', promise_container=pool)
    api.call_data(data={'num': 6}).then(print).catch(print)

import json
import re
import functools
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Dict, List

from prompy.container import BasePromiseContainer
from prompy.networkio import urlcall, http_constants
from prompy.networkio.url_tools import encode_url_params
from prompy.promise import Promise

_route_params_pattern = re.compile('<(\w*)>')

[docs]class CallRoute: """Route object used by :class:`Caller`"""
[docs] def __init__(self, route: str, method: str=http_constants.GET, content_type: str=http_constants.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON): """ Route data object with format methods. :param route: url to call, with optional templating. :param method: http method :param content_type: """ self.route = route self.method = method self.route_params = _route_params_pattern.findall(self.route) self.route_params_length = len(self.route_params) self.content_type = content_type
[docs] def format_route_params(self, *args): """ Format the route params. :Example: .. code-block:: python route = CallRoute('/user/<user>') r = route.format_route_params(user='bob') :return: """ if not self.route_params: return self.route route = self.route if len(args) != self.route_params_length: s = ','.join(self.route_params[len(args):]) raise Exception(f'Missing url parameter <{s}>') for i in range(self.route_params_length): p = self.route_params[i] value = args[i] route = route.replace(f'<{p}>', str(value)) return route
[docs] def format_data(self, data: Optional[Union[Dict, List, str]], encoding='utf-8'): """ Serialize the data according to content-type. :param encoding: :param data: :return: """ if not data: return if http_constants.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON in self.content_type: return json.dumps(data).encode(encoding) return data.encode(encoding)
class _MetaCall(type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes): new_attrs = dict(**attributes) def _route_wrap(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _inner(self: Caller, *args, **kwargs): route: CallRoute = func(self, *args, **kwargs) promise =, args, **kwargs) return promise return _inner for route_name in filter(lambda k: k.startswith('call_'), attributes.keys()): new_attrs[route_name] = _route_wrap(attributes[route_name]) return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, new_attrs)
[docs]class Caller(metaclass=_MetaCall): """ Wraps all method starting with `call_` with a call. **route methods must:** - return a CallRoute object. - kwargs must be there if you want and route params kwargs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, base_url: str='', promise_container: BasePromiseContainer=None, prom_type=Promise, prom_args: dict=None): """ :param base_url: :param promise_container: :param prom_type: :param prom_args: """ self.base_url = base_url self.promise_container = promise_container self.prom_type = prom_type self.prom_args = prom_args or {}
[docs] def call(self, route: CallRoute, route_params: list=None, params: dict=None, headers: dict=None, origin_req_host=None, unverifiable: bool=False, data=None, **kwargs) -> Promise: """ Call a route, used by the wrapped route methods. :param route: :param route_params: :param params: :param headers: :param origin_req_host: :param unverifiable: :param data: :param kwargs: :return: """ url = f'{self.base_url}{route.format_route_params(*route_params)}' if params: url = encode_url_params(url, params) self.before_call(route, route_params, params) headers = headers or {} headers['Content-Type'] = route.content_type _data = route.format_data(data) promise = urlcall.url_call(url, data=_data, method=route.method, headers=headers, origin_req_host=origin_req_host, unverifiable=unverifiable, prom_type=self.prom_type, **self.prom_args) promise.complete(lambda result, error: self.after_call(route, route_params, params, result, error)) if self.promise_container: self.promise_container.add_promise(promise) return promise
[docs] def before_call(self, route: CallRoute, route_params: list, params: dict): """ global before call callback. :param route: The route that was called. :param route_params: The params of the route if any :param params: The url params :return: """ pass
[docs] def after_call(self, route: CallRoute, route_params: list, params: dict, result: Any, error: Any): """ global after call callback :param route: The route that was called. :param route_params: The params of the route if any :param params: The url params :param result: The result of the call if any :param error: The error of the call if any :return: """ pass